Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Basic Counter Strike Guides and Tactics

Counter Strike Guides tutorials strategies and Tactics

Basic CS tactics

Let me start by stating a few things:

1. Some veteran CS players might take offense to someone who is routinely at the bottom of the scoreboard preaching CS tactics to you. If so, then feel free not to read this.

2. (and this is in no way, shape, or form an insult): CS has nothing on Natural Selection in the way of Tactics. Once you learn the maps in CS, even these basic strats can win a game everytime (random headshots aside). Being an able NS commander, I feel I can give adequate info on how not to get chewed into cat-food every round.

3. Just like in NS, I will piss and moan in game if people are doing bone-head things. I will be even harder on the few NS players who have migrated a bit to CS. EVEN MORE SO if I've ever seen you in the command chair during an NS game. You should already know this stuff.

And here we go:

1. Buddy system: I can't stress this enough. You shouldn't be anywhere without a buddy unless your only goal is to make a bunch of noise as a distraction. If you get taken out before you can realy any info to your team, you have failed to bring anything to your team. All they have to work with is what gun you got killed with.

2. Flashes: unless you are flat-broke, EVERY SINGLE player on your team should have two flashes. This game isn't meant for you to wade into three camping enemies and gun them all down without dying. It's meant for you to use their lack of mobility to your advantage.

3. Flashes #2: Call for flashes if you are out. Don't round a blind corner without one unless it just isn't available.

4. Flashes #3: Don't let flashes go to waste because you know it might not have been effective as much as you'd hoped. At least use the opportunity to get a peak around the corner, or to setup for another flash.

5. Terrorists on bomb-sites: Ts CANNOT afford to get caught in gun-fights for any length of time. It then comes down to a straight death-match. When up against someone who has the advantage of more accurate fire: you will most likely lose. It's a gamble you shouldn't be taking.

6. Flanking: Gives me a warm-fuzzy. Pinned down, but know another way around the back/side? One guy keeps them busy, the others go around. The one guy can make a whole bunch of noise to mask the approach of the other team. Straight-up fights are for suckers. I find shooting someone in the back of the head is much more satisfying then cramming my barrel into his chest hoping he dies before I do.

7. Being pinned-down (goes back to 5): If two of your teammates round a corner and get picked off by snipers, what should you do? If you said, "Run right after them and try to kill the sniper" then just let me know and I'll shoot you in the face. At least then the CTs won't get any money from your death. Oh, and if you do this when you have the bomb, I'll knife you every round for 6 months (wyz said I could).

8. Blocking: If a teammate gets into a fire-fight and needs to retreat, don't block him by trying to get in your own bullets. Make his escape as easy as possible. Even if he has 3 HP, he's still a body that you need to win.

9. Listen, listen, listen: there's a long buy-time for a reason. If a plan is made, and you ask why everyone is running a certain way, then you have failed even the most basic concept of "tactics." (PS: shoot the hive).

10. Thunder boots are for Zeus, not CS players: I shouldn't have to even explain this one.

11. Cover your six: If there's 4 T's/CT's in a group and no one is watching the rear, you're asking to get reamed by a sneaky enemy. Watch your radar, if you're in the back make sure to stop any lead from landing there.

12. Rushing: Ts go for a bomb rush, you have the bomb. You get to the site and it's crawling with CTs. What do you do? Plant the bomb. If the guy planting the bomb gets killed and you were closest to him, what do you do? Plant the bomb.

The whole point of a rush is to get the bomb down before the CTs can get into defensible positions. You have teammates that should be doing the shooting for you, let them. Having the bomb down is a powerful weapon in itself. That ticking drives the CTs to run in to disarm it. They will even run in one-by-one if they aren't thinking right.

A basic NS strat I learned the hard way is: when faced with a superior foe, force him into a position where he either:
1. has to meet you in combat on your terms.
2. has been stripped of his ability to determine the outcome of the game.

If CT's are busy trying to pick off randomly firing Ts: they can't disarm the bomb. You don't have to kill them, you just have to keep them busy (Fade killing/neutralizing 101).Counter Strike Guides and Tactics


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